Zhixin Song

PhD student Physics, CSE @Georgia Tech, Office @CODA S1347 | Previously @JPMC , @Baidu Research


I am a third-year PhD student in School of Physics at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by CSE faculty Prof. Spencer Bryngelson. My current research focuses on quantum algorithms for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) with an application to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). I received my B.S. in Physics from Ohio State University with a minor in Mathematics and Philosophy.

Prior to my Ph.D. study, I worked as a research and development intern at the Institue for Quantum Computing (IQC) Baidu Research for one year, supervised by Dr. Xin Wang (now Professor at HKUST). I also interned at JPMorgan Chase GTAR Quantum team to research on privacy-preserving methods for distributed quantum machine learning during Summer 2023.